The members of the association engaged in this area of service aim to spread and promote a culture of solidarity and unity, paying special attention to the reality of social marginalisation through which millions of people in the world pour today.

To do so, they propose their own specific contributions toward a renewal of society in its concrete forms, through projects and by coordinating the activities of the Micors teams, that is, small groups of volunteers engaged in concrete acts of solidarity toward those living in specific marginal situations (in hospitals, prisons, slums, etc.).

The projects and initiatives that are born from the creative fantasy of love, and that manifest in acts of solidarity and support are many:

Support for inmates

Epistolary relationships; Listening Centres in prisons – with the function of listening and/or guiding, if necessary, toward receiving structures that are prison alternatives; mutual-aid groups inspired by Chiara Amirante’s “Art of Loving”; periodical visits to inmates or persons with prison-alternative measures; communities for inmates undergoing alternative measures and/or to encourage their reintegration work and social inclusion.

Support for the sick

Volunteering in hospitals and visiting to the sick – with the aim of alleviating the suffering of those who are ill, through the activities of listening, prayer, companionship, non-nursing assistance, spiritual assistance; volunteering in hospices – with the aim of alleviating the suffering of terminally ill people and accompanying them to the encounter with the Father; the realisation and management of reception centres for terminally ill people (the treasure homes).

Support for the poor

Assistance to families or single persons in indigent circumstances through the distribution of basic necessities such as: foodstuffs, clothing, medicines, and more; periodic visits and material assistance in refugee camps, Roma gypsy camps, and in metropolitan slums; assistance activities for the homeless through hot meals, beverages, mobile listening units, guidance toward reception structures; management of centres for first shelter, soup kitchens, night-time shelters, etc.

Immigrant services

Listening and guidance centres; reception centres; social integration projects.

Anti slavery

Anti-slavery street unit, safe houses, telephone hotlines.

Child services, foster care, support for life

Family counsellors, foster homes, reception centres in support of life and teen mothers, agape communities for abandoned children, groups for support and mutual aid – with the scope of intervening in support of the family and of single persons.

Development cooperation

The promotion, coordination, and implementation of projects that support the southern countries of the world; humanitarian aid; training for international volunteering; international volunteer initiatives; awareness-raising campaigns and training courses to promote a responsible lifestyle.

Servizi ai minori - Nuovi Orizzonti
Sostegno ai Detenuti - Nuovi Orizzonti
Servizi per gli anziani - Nuovi Orizzonti
Attività con bambini nella missione in Brasile - Nuovi Orizzonti
Chiara Amirante in una missione in Brasile - Nuovi Orizzonti


  • Support for inmates
  • Support for the sick
  • Support for the poor
  • Immigrant services
  • Anti-slavery
  • Services for minors, foster care, support for life
  • Development cooperation